Lunch, Filmmaking, Re-Bop Records, and the Supreme Court

Our friend Ivanafka Pava has made his way up to VT to work on several projects, one being a documentary film about a local Vermonter Diana Winn. The more we learn about her story, the more we want to hear. Diana is a musician/songwriter who started the Re-Bop record label, where she brings together talented songwriters, musicians and child and adult vocalists to create songs for the “award winning” recordings. Another claim to fame is that she has been a part of a Supreme Court case, “Wyeth v. Levine,” that could have a major impact on the lives of millions of Americans.

We were invited over to Diana’s home one day to prepare lunch while Mr. Pava continued filming interviews with her. As we prepped and cooked, we were able to listen to some of her testimonials. Her story is a fascinating one, and very relevant to the times we live in. Years ago, after receiving medication for migraines, she was given another drug for nausea with a method known as an “IV push.” In the following weeks, her hand and forearm developed gangrene, and was then amputated in two stages. She eventually went to trial against the massive pharmaceutical company “Wyeth,” and the short story is- she won. I (Amy) am now inspired to learn more about the case, the legal system, and to be clear on the meaning of words such as “preemption.” (I am no lawyer, but at least I can call Gary if I have any questions!) Diana has certainly been through a lot, and continues to reinvent how she thinks of herself now as a musician. She seems to have moved on with such grace and stays close to being a part of the music she loves.

After sharing lunch together, we left feeling inspired by Diana’s determination, positive energy, and talents. Her story is not nearly over yet as she meets people like Jason “Lefty” Williams who encourage her to continue finding ways to play music. It is also so good to see Ivanafka Pava utilize his exceptional skills as he documents her stories and achievements.

Much more info is available on the web about Diana, the Supreme Court case, and Re-Bop records.

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