Tag Archives: lettuce bee farm


The temperatures are cooling, and we have tried to imagine what it will be like when these great outdoors become less friendly and less like an addition to our cabin. See, we have no bathroom or plumbing (our running water has frozen) and we are used to going “#1” amongst the trees and “#2” up the path in the outhouse or at the house. So far, we have still been able to find comfort in the chilled air, but we are anticipating the changes. Continue reading

Back to the Kingdom

As I sit here typing this, we are in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont in our little cabin. With our newest computer battery, we have the ability to bring some modern life into the woods. Though we are enjoying the “simple life” very much, we really love to be able to cozy up in front of the fire and watch a film! Jon also has worked some magic, and ran a long cord down here so that we can also have phone access! Keeping our fingers crossed that the line stays unharmed through the winter, we are hoping to enjoy some chats with loved ones living elsewhere. Continue reading

Lettuce Bee Farm

It has been over a month since we arrived at Lettuce Bee Farm in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. Through www.organicvolunteers.com, Lettuce Bee was the only farm we had secured a date to come volunteer before we had left Philadelphia in April. We signed up to volunteer 2 weeks with the possibility of extending it another week or so, and here we are 3 weeks later planning to stay the rest of the growing season and straight through a very snowy Vermont winter! Did I mention we have been staying in a little rustic cabin in the woods? Continue reading